"We are what we think"
- Buddha Gautama -
How many often do we watch news everyday?
I think quite often for most of us.
As the quote above by Buddha "We are what we think", it means anything in our minds will manifest. Time is the key. For most of us may have already known about Law of Attraction.
Law attraction says that "Like attracts like". Indeed, everything is attraction. Still not get it?
I recommend you to read this first: Law of Attraction Wikipedia.
Visit the official website: the Secret.
or you can also get the DVDs or book from Amazon:
Okay, back to the topic.Most of the news we can find on TV, newspaper, or online medias are rubbish. Yes, they are. They tell us just about unimportant things for us to know. What are they? War, Confrontation, Demonstration, Famine, Corruptions, Sexual Abuse, .... I thinks enough to say. Can find out the rest.
In fact, the real world is not that bad. We can find a lot of Nature Wonders like the beauty of waterfalls, rain forests, the exotic things you can find on tropical countries, etc. It's better to report the beauty of snow falls to Kashmir in South Asia than the disaster of snow in some European Countries.
Corruption done by politicians. Why don't report their service for their countries. The worst leader is still better than a country without a person to lead. It will be riots.
You may say "But, I have to know what happens!"
Yes. However, you just know the main information. Don't review the same bad topic again and again.
You could review the same Good topics so deeply. Like the achievement of the athletes of your countries, success stories, etc. Not the opposite (bad news). You just know the main information of the earthquake: The place, the condition, and donate for them. At least you pray for the victim.
It's very stupid to know most of the disaster on this beautiful planet then you don't do anything that could help. However, you cannot know every bit of information happens everyday. There will be "Information Overload" in you. In conclusion, choose the constructive news! The ones that may give inspirations, motivations or useful information. Tips, business news, science and technology, sport achievements, are among the news can be your choice.
One of the examples online media you can get only the good news are here:
goodnewsfromindonesia.org and hnheadlines.com
Whatever you choose to be in your thought does affect your life.
"Whatever you focus on manifests"
If you choose to think only the good things, only good things happen in your life. And so does the opposite.If you think only the generosity of people around you, how they love you, care of you, etc. You will meet only the kind of people in you life in the future. And so does the opposite.
In fact, each of us has both sides. Good and bad. Even the kindest person in the world has something lack. And so does the opposite. So, why bother to focus on the bad ones.
The same like everything happens in the world everyday. There are lots of bad news. So are the opposite.
Why must watch only the bad news. Make 90-10 percentage at least of your news for the good news in 90%. And you will enjoy your life much better.
Everything has the good and bad. Focus on the good sides!
Only the vitamins for your minds not the poisons.
Happy watching and reading news!
Teddy Amry
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